

Lella co-founded zStudents in the Summer of 2020 to keep fellow students motivated through these anomalous times. She hosted bi-weekly discussions with a range of subject matter experts to break stereotypes surrounding the tech industry. After engaging with thousands of zStudents, she founded the zStudents Committee — a group of young technologists from across the world who are united by a desire to create content that is entirely for, with, and by students, they enable young people to speak with industry thought leaders rather than be spoken to — often seen at traditional ‘webinars’.

Global Goals Ideathon

Lella led a whole-school "Global Goals Ideathon" for her fellow students as young as 11, the age she was when she attended her first hackathon

Lella united industry & the classroom with the support of IBM, P-TECH, UK Youth's #iwill movement, Stemettes & Canva, who led workshops in design thinking, entrepreneurship & pitching as well as forming an expert judging panel for teams to present their final TechForGood solutions to. 

The event not only enabled Lella to share her skills forward but also kickstarted meaningful "conversations for change" & displayed STEAM as a catalyst to achieve social good.

TechWeekHumber Ambassador

Lella joined Tech Week Humber to further her involvement and champion the importance of the intersectionality of edutech and social impact. Tech Week Humber is a week-long, global technology festival uniting industry and the classroom, enterprise and education, focussed on levelling-up the North during the digital transformation. 

She delivered a keynote speech on the "future of work", engaged in thought leadership at the Educator's Day & delivered two lessons to 150 8-11 year olds.